Electric six gay bar

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Read more: 14 music festivals to look forward to in Cornwall in summer 2022 Others playing between June 2 and 5 include Manic Street Preachers, Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Melle Mel’s Furious 5 & Scorpio, DJ Yoda, Elektra Fence (Ru Paul’s Drag Race), Krafty Kuts, The Future Shape Of Sound, Loup Garoux (Ed Harcourt), Will & The People, Oh My God! It’s The Church and Craig Charles. The band whose massive hits Danger! High Voltage and Gay Bar introduced a run of 14 albums - yes, 14 studio albums since 2003 - are just one of the acts at the festival in the grounds of Scorrier Estate, where Dick will also be playing a solo acoustic set.

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Dick Valentine, of Michigan rockers Electric Six, famously sang that he wanted to take you to a gay bar but he may have mellowed with age as what he really wants is a Cornish pasty at The Great Estate festival this summer.

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